Death to Smoochy Blackberry

I liked to think of myself as an avid crackberry. I love my BB. I’ve promoted it to friends and family, bragged about its assets, and took it with me wherever I went. I love the convenience of a real qwerty keypad and its utter indestructibility. And the battery life is insane! I’m lazy when it comes to charging and never bring a charger with me so having a phone that needs charging every 3-4 days even with normal usage is really, really good.

But love cannot always be blind. Although my husband technically owns the LG Connect 4G that I got him for Christmas, he only uses it for unimportant shit like calls and stuff. I use it for what it’s made for: the INTERNETZ! </turns jejemon mode off> The Android platform is amazing. I can access all sorts of apps through Google Play and I play with anonymous people all over the world. Draw Something and Words With Friends are both entertaining but I love Shortyz. It downloads crossword puzzles from different news sites everyday and it’s free, which is a huge plus.

I feel guilty, like I’m having an affair with another phone. At this moment, I’m in the middle of a game against my 25-year old nephew (by marriage since I’m not THAT old) and I can feel my BlackBerry staring at me accusingly. So this is what it feels like to be a middle-aged man who has an affair with a 22-year old because he has outgrown his fiftyish, outdated wife. There is only one solution to end this vile betrayal.

RIM, please get your head out of year 2000 and save the BlackBerry! Hire a new designer, hell, hire a TEAM of designers and engineers! It’s not too late yet! If old geezers can recover in the ICU after a triple bypass then the BB has a fighting chance.

As for me, I’m going to wait another year. Maybe two. Like a real marriage, it may be cheaper to keep her; but if RIM doesn’t deliver then I have to regretfully divorce my BB and find a stylish Android.

Someone has a new cellphone!

Of course. I should have expected this. My geeky husband (aka honeybear) chose a cell phone as a Christmas present.

I don’t blame him. For some strange reason, his brain shut off for five minutes two years ago and he bought a Huawei Ascend M860 when he changed carriers. That phone is the bane of our existence! It’s not even my phone and I dream about exorcising the beast out of it. Look, if you’re thinking of getting this phone, don’t even bother. The call quality is horrid, the touchscreen response is delayed, the battery dies after 8 hours of standby and it is excruciatingly slow. Even slower than Internet Explorer! I don’t give a crap if the tortoise beat the hare in a race. Slow and steady is NOT an asset for gadgets.

Luckily, Metro PCS has the LG Connect 4G on sale. For Cyber Monday, they dropped the price from $349 to $149. *WHEE!* It is everything that the Huawei is not. The touchscreen is crystal clear, smooth, firm and responds easily to the lightest touch. It has a dual processor with 1GB RAM so that takes care of speed.

Most people say that you just pay for the brand when buying things. With tech stuff, I believe in paying for quality. My Sony VAIO is one of the most mf’ing expensive laptops today and, after three years, it’s still as good as new. I’ve had zero problems with this computer when most commercial laptops feel jerky before their 2nd birthday. The fact that it’s purple, sleek and pretty is just a bonus.

We just lucked out with the LG. 🙂


Let me start this post by saying that I am completely, hopelessly in love with my BlackBerry. I initially wanted the new Bold 9900 which, though it was designed in the traditional BlackBerry style, had a touchscreen. While I don’t like pure touchscreen phones (e.g. iPhone, etc.) because it makes typing difficult, the combination of of a QWERTY keypad and efficient touchscreen sounds so conveniently attractive. The Torch models have both but the design looks bulky and has a smaller keypad. However, the 9900’s high price tag makes it a big no-no. I’ve been very Scrooge-ish of late and spending too much on myself might require a week of bed rest. (I’m the reverse when it comes to family.) So I ended up getting the Bold 9780, something that is also attractive, looks professional, does what it needs to do wonderfully, and costs 40% less.

Isn’t it pretty? I spent one full day familiarizing myself with it, getting used to the keypad by chatting with a lot of people through BBM, customizing its features, adding useful applications, and downloading different themes until I settled on one that is both functional and cute.

On a less happy note, 90% of my dreams have been bothersome of late. Death is a recurring theme: I dreamed of family members and friends dying, causing extreme depression that stays with me for a while  after I wake. Sometimes it’s supernatural and horrible. Last night’s seemed like a completely ordinary dream with normal people and normal events taking place. Then, when I had my back turned to get a salad, someone asked me something. In my dream, the person behind me was a regular happy human but when I heard the voice, it sounded different, cold, and scary — like it was someone dead. It was enough to shock me awake and I spent the next half hour huddling under my blanket. The question? “May I talk to you?”

This afternoon’s dream was one of those conventional ones that started quite ordinarily. I was a different person in a different world. I was in an office and was asked to book an appointment with the CEO. When the time came, my boss did not show up  and I was alone in the CEO’s office without knowing what the whole meeting was about. I stood there in horrified silence until I woke up sweating. (Take note that they were different people and are not connected to my current boss(es) or company.)

Maybe it’s the junk food? I ate a quarter pounder burger for lunch. And last night before bed I ate a small piece of bread that had fake ube filling, which probably qualifies it as junk. But what about the others? I rarely eat junk.

Maybe it’s God’s way of saying that I should stick to organic food? Maybe my subconscious is experiencing mental trauma after I cleaned my room for the first time in eons? Maybe I need to return to the gym and beat the living hell off a treadmill until I sweat the demons out? Maybe I’m stressed from work? Nope. Maybe I’m going through a personal crisis? Umm, no. Maybe I’m stuck in a rut? Not at all, things have been great lately.

Who knows? And I’m still having calamares for dinner.

Sighs start with muffins

Steffi: One banana & date muffin please.
Starbucks Guy: I’m sorry, we don’t have change for 200.
S: Can I just leave the money here and come back for the change later?
SG: No, ma’am.
S: Please? I’m really REALLY starving.
SG: It’s against company policy.

I’m a slave to muffins. My 8:30 am inner conflict involves the torturous decision of having to choose between banana & date and mocha.

I was still incensed by yesterday’s refusal to accept my business that I marched to the same Starbucks stall at work and bought the muffin I’ve been craving for the whole day yesterday. In 1 SR denominations. And just to show how sincere I am, I added a grande caramel hot chocolate.

*sigh* Calories are divine at the right moments.

I was supposed to have a date today that’s why I took the trouble of dressing up (as opposed to yesterday’s cargo pants and sneakers). And then he called really early to cancel because of an airport run tonight.

*sigh #2* If you’re tired of telling yourself in the mirror about how great you look, take a picture, send it to him, and listen to him drool (and regret canceling) when he calls.

Baby Sofia’s infatuated with my Moto. She especially likes the matching pink phone bag that I carry. She takes it when she can and creates a ruckus when I attempt to take it back. I tried to divert her attention by asking her where she put the marble egg that was missing from my dresser. Her answer? “The egg is hiding.”

*sigh #3* At times like these, put the cell phone in a hard-to-reach place and tell the smart-mouthed baby that it’s “hiding”.

H a P p Y   e A s T e r !

And if you have time today, pass by the office. We have chocolates and cake (for lack of chocolate eggs).

Hello Moto

I have a new baby.

After 8 years of staying loyal and true to Nokia, I suddenly decided to get a Moto Razr V3x. I went to the store knowing that I (kind of) needed a new phone but I didn’t have a particular model in mind. I would have liked one of those PDA types but the prospect of shelling out too much made me cringe. I knew I had to spend at least 1200 SR with the necessary specs I had in mind (particularly 3G) and I almost bought a Sony Ericsson until they showed me this Motorola. It has everything I need and I only got it for 800+. And it’s pink! Haha… How masculine. 😛

See the specs here.

After writing this entry, I realized that I’ve been working for more than an hour and I haven’t even combed my hair. It’s all wet, long and gnarly. Nabuhay si Gagay.

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