Alabang: the new masa hangout

It’s holy week again and I bet every Metro Manilan is out burning themselves in Boracay or Puerto Galera. It’s not so noticeable here considering the, haha, religious limitations. And we don’t get the week off.

This reminds me of a former classmate’s brilliant idea. Our SA class was touring Old Manila for a day and one person from our group remarked how pretty the capital would be if the whole city was seriously renovated and cleaned. But where would the masa go during this restoration?

One (who shall remain nameless) had another bright idea:

Send them all to live in Alabang. And when the annoying cono girls wake up in the morning, they’ll see them and complain to their daddies that “Those baho people are all over the place, eew!” Hopefully, they’ll never leave their homes for fear of ka-jologan and consequently cease to irritate us.

Personally, I have nothing against conos. They make the world a more amusing place. 🙂

I think I’ll lengthen my walking time, if my bodyguard (aka little brother Jiko) agrees. He said his ex-injured knee still bothers him. It looks like my new sneakers are going to be a permanent fixture in my bahay-bag.

3 thoughts on “Alabang: the new masa hangout

  1. They do make the world an amusing place to live but definitely not a better to live in. 🙂 The world can do better without them.

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