Sighs start with muffins

Steffi: One banana & date muffin please.
Starbucks Guy: I’m sorry, we don’t have change for 200.
S: Can I just leave the money here and come back for the change later?
SG: No, ma’am.
S: Please? I’m really REALLY starving.
SG: It’s against company policy.

I’m a slave to muffins. My 8:30 am inner conflict involves the torturous decision of having to choose between banana & date and mocha.

I was still incensed by yesterday’s refusal to accept my business that I marched to the same Starbucks stall at work and bought the muffin I’ve been craving for the whole day yesterday. In 1 SR denominations. And just to show how sincere I am, I added a grande caramel hot chocolate.

*sigh* Calories are divine at the right moments.

I was supposed to have a date today that’s why I took the trouble of dressing up (as opposed to yesterday’s cargo pants and sneakers). And then he called really early to cancel because of an airport run tonight.

*sigh #2* If you’re tired of telling yourself in the mirror about how great you look, take a picture, send it to him, and listen to him drool (and regret canceling) when he calls.

Baby Sofia’s infatuated with my Moto. She especially likes the matching pink phone bag that I carry. She takes it when she can and creates a ruckus when I attempt to take it back. I tried to divert her attention by asking her where she put the marble egg that was missing from my dresser. Her answer? “The egg is hiding.”

*sigh #3* At times like these, put the cell phone in a hard-to-reach place and tell the smart-mouthed baby that it’s “hiding”.

H a P p Y   e A s T e r !

And if you have time today, pass by the office. We have chocolates and cake (for lack of chocolate eggs).

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